Laser shock peening (also called Laser Peening) is a green mechanical surface enhancement method for extending the metal components lifetime. Laser shock peening improves fatigue life and damage tolerance by generating compressive residual stresses with depth below the metal surface that resist crack initiation and propagation. The compressive residual stresses produced by laser shock peening can achieve more effective result of residual stress in value and depth than shot peening, i.e. generally, residual stress produced by laser shock peening are 5 to 10 times deeper than residual stress produced by shot peening. Thus, laser shock peening can ensure much stonger components with longer service lifetimes. Common Metal Failure Issues: •Foreign Object Damage •Fretting Fatigue •High-Cycle Fatigue •Low-Cycle Fatigue •Corrosion Fatigue •Stress Corrosion Cracking Laser shock peening has been applied to a variety of metals and shown significant improvements in material, such as: •Titanium Alloys •Steel Alloys •Stainless Steels •Nickel Alloys •Aluminum Alloys •Magnesium Alloys |